A. Introduction
Navigation bar helps the users find quickly the contents that they want to see. A well designed navigation elements will result to a good user experience.B. What we are building
We will create 2 buttons on the horizontal bar. The home and blog buttons. Each button has a link that will bring the user to a specific url or address. I use bootstrap 5.2 to style the elements.
1. Home page
This is the home page, its url is:
2. Blog page
This is the blog page, its url is:
The word blog
is also called the path
3. Small Screen
The navbar adjusts to devices with small screen like mobile phones. It arranges the bar items vertically and add a button that toggles to hide and unhide the bar items.C. Bootstrap Navigation bar
Bootstrap's site has an example html code to build a navbar. We will build our navbar based from this example.The following reactpy code will generate html output similar to that bootstrap code. But this has only home and blog buttons.
@component def NavBar(nav_attr: dict): return html.nav( {'class': 'navbar navbar-dark navbar-expand-lg bg-dark'}, html.div( {'class': 'container-fluid'}, html.a({'class': 'navbar-brand text-primary', 'href': '#'}, 'ReactPy-Navbar'), html.button( { 'class': 'navbar-toggler', 'type': 'button', 'data-bs-toggle': 'collapse', 'data-bs-target': '#navbarSupportedContent', 'aria-controls': 'navbarSupportedContent', 'aria-expanded': 'false', 'aria-label': 'Toggle navigation', }, html.span({'class': 'navbar-toggler-icon'}), ), html.div( {'class': 'collapse navbar-collapse', 'id': 'navbarSupportedContent'}, html.ul( {'class': 'navbar-nav me-auto mb-2 mb-lg-0'}, NavItem('Home', '/', nav_attr.get('Home', False)), NavItem('Blog', '/blog', nav_attr.get('Blog', False)), ), ), ), )
We also need the bootstrap CSS and script in order for this navbar to work.
BOOTSTRAP_CSS = html.link( { 'rel': 'stylesheet', 'href': 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.2.3/' 'dist/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'integrity': 'sha384-rbsA2VBKQhggwzxH7pPCaAqO46MgnOM80' 'zW1RWuH61DGLwZJEdK2Kadq2F9CUG65', 'crossorigin': 'anonymous' } ) BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT = html.script( { 'src': 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.2.3/' 'dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js', 'integrity': 'sha384-kenU1KFdBIe4zVF0s0G1M5b4hcpxyD9' 'F7jL+jjXkk+Q2h455rYXK/7HAuoJl+0I4', 'crossorigin': 'anonymous' } )
D. Requirements
requirements.txtreactpy[fastapi] reactpy-router uvicorn[standard]
E. Code Snippets
There is a library called reactpy-route that can be used to create a link that allows the navigation buttons to work.
1. The root component
@component def root(): return simple.router( route('/', Home()), route('/blog', Blog()), route('*', MissingLink()), )
Visiting the url such as will call the Home()
component. Navigating to executes the Blog()
component. For other paths such as, MissingLink() will be executed.
2. The home component
@component def Home(): return html.div( BOOTSTRAP_CSS, BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT, html.div( {'class': 'container mt-3'}, NavBar({'Home': True}), # Home content starts here. ###################################################### html.div( html.h5({'class': 'my-3'}, 'Home'), html.h2('The Food supply'), html.p( '''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse volutpat nisi quis ligula lobortis, eget venenatis elit. Integer vel nunc at felis tristique faucibus. Nullam id est quis sapien aliquet tincidunt.''' ), html.p( '''In euismod massa a aliquet posuere. Ut tristique libero euismod ex feugiat consectetur. Maecenas ultricies, justo sit amet rhoncus sagittis, nisi eros venenatis nulla, ut vestibulum odio turpis nec dolor. Vivamus lobortis.''' ), ), ), )
3. The blog component
@component def Blog(): return html.div( BOOTSTRAP_CSS, BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT, html.div( {'class': 'container mt-3'}, NavBar({'Blog': True}), # Blog content starts here. ###################################################### html.div( html.h5({'class': 'my-3'}, 'Blog'), html.h2('The good news in year 2025'), html.p( '''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a nisi vitae urna posuere iaculis. Suspendisse eget lorem a velit ultricies sodales.''' ), html.p( '''Sed venenatis magna eget ipsum fringilla, nec dignissim nisi interdum. Duis ut dapibus orci. In lobortis elit sit amet semper.''' ), ), ), )
F. Full code
navbar.py"""Creates a sample navigation bar with ReactPy and Bootstrap 5. Builds components with ReactPy and styled by Bootstrap. ReactPy-Router is used to generate routes for the navbar buttons. The navbar design is responsive to both desktop and mobile screens. """ from reactpy import component, html from reactpy.backend.fastapi import configure, Options from reactpy_router import route, simple from fastapi import FastAPI BOOTSTRAP_CSS = html.link( { 'rel': 'stylesheet', 'href': 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.2.3/' 'dist/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'integrity': 'sha384-rbsA2VBKQhggwzxH7pPCaAqO46MgnOM80' 'zW1RWuH61DGLwZJEdK2Kadq2F9CUG65', 'crossorigin': 'anonymous' } ) BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT = html.script( { 'src': 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.2.3/' 'dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js', 'integrity': 'sha384-kenU1KFdBIe4zVF0s0G1M5b4hcpxyD9' 'F7jL+jjXkk+Q2h455rYXK/7HAuoJl+0I4', 'crossorigin': 'anonymous' } ) HEADER_TITLE = 'ReactPy-Navbar' @component def NavItem(label: str, path: str, is_active: bool = False): attribute = {'href': path} if is_active: attribute.update( {'class': 'nav-link active', 'aria-current': 'page'}, ), else: attribute.update( {'class': 'nav-link'}, ), return html.div( html.li( {'class': 'nav-item'}, html.a(attribute, label), ), ) @component def NavBar(nav_attr: dict): return html.nav( {'class': 'navbar navbar-dark navbar-expand-lg bg-dark'}, html.div( {'class': 'container-fluid'}, html.a({'class': 'navbar-brand text-primary', 'href': '#'}, 'ReactPy-Navbar'), html.button( { 'class': 'navbar-toggler', 'type': 'button', 'data-bs-toggle': 'collapse', 'data-bs-target': '#navbarSupportedContent', 'aria-controls': 'navbarSupportedContent', 'aria-expanded': 'false', 'aria-label': 'Toggle navigation', }, html.span({'class': 'navbar-toggler-icon'}), ), html.div( {'class': 'collapse navbar-collapse', 'id': 'navbarSupportedContent'}, html.ul( {'class': 'navbar-nav me-auto mb-2 mb-lg-0'}, NavItem('Home', '/', nav_attr.get('Home', False)), NavItem('Blog', '/blog', nav_attr.get('Blog', False)), ), ), ), ) @component def Home(): return html.div( BOOTSTRAP_CSS, BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT, html.div( {'class': 'container mt-3'}, NavBar({'Home': True}), # Home content starts here. ###################################################### html.div( html.h5({'class': 'my-3'}, 'Home'), html.h2('The Food supply'), html.p( '''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse volutpat nisi quis ligula lobortis, eget venenatis elit. Integer vel nunc at felis tristique faucibus. Nullam id est quis sapien aliquet tincidunt.''' ), html.p( '''In euismod massa a aliquet posuere. Ut tristique libero euismod ex feugiat consectetur. Maecenas ultricies, justo sit amet rhoncus sagittis, nisi eros venenatis nulla, ut vestibulum odio turpis nec dolor. Vivamus lobortis.''' ), ), ), ) @component def Blog(): return html.div( BOOTSTRAP_CSS, BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT, html.div( {'class': 'container mt-3'}, NavBar({'Blog': True}), # Blog content starts here. ###################################################### html.div( html.h5({'class': 'my-3'}, 'Blog'), html.h2('The good news in year 2025'), html.p( '''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a nisi vitae urna posuere iaculis. Suspendisse eget lorem a velit ultricies sodales.''' ), html.p( '''Sed venenatis magna eget ipsum fringilla, nec dignissim nisi interdum. Duis ut dapibus orci. In lobortis elit sit amet semper.''' ), ), ), ) @component def MissingLink(): return html.div( BOOTSTRAP_CSS, html.div( {'class': 'container mt-3'}, html.h1(html.h1("Missing Link 🔗💥")) ), ) @component def root(): return simple.router( route('/', Home()), route('/blog', Blog()), route('*', MissingLink()), ) app = FastAPI() configure( app, root, options=Options( head=html.head(html.title(HEADER_TITLE)) ) )
The source code is also in my github repository. See Github ReactPy-Navbar in the reference section.
You can run the app with the following command line.
uvicorn navbar:app
G. Summary
Navigation bar or navbar provides comforts to users in exploring the sites and pages. Navbar is created using ReactPy and Bootstrap 5. It is responsive and can handle both the big and small screens.